
Total savings :approx. 250-300 tones CO2/year per drinking water network with 5 waterkiosks
Technology transfer :solar based ultrafiltration, anodic oxidation and reverse osmosis for raw water treatment, raw water extraction and drinking water distribution by solar pumps
Local environment :replaces firewood used for boiling as mean of water purification; avoids deforestation; avoids long distance transport of drinking water by truck or motorcycle
Further advantages :drinking water access 24/7; avoids waterborne diseases
Number of schools :at least 1 school per drinking water network receives its own water kiosk
Project partners :Eau Propre d’Afrique Group, iSAtech water GmbH, various manufacturer of drinking water treatment plants

Access to clean and affordable water

Access to water are recognized by the United Nations as human rights – fundamental to everyone’s health, dignity and prosperity. However, before the project activities of Eau Propre d’Afrique and atmosfair, most people in the project areas were still living without safely managed drinking water supply. Due to water scarcity and lack of basic infrastructure for water treatment, people had to draw contaminated water manually from local wells with shallow depths or from nearby rivers. The wells and sometimes the rivers are often dried up during the dry season. When they do carry water, it is full of bacteria and viruses. One part of the population treated water by boiling it, using firewood or charcoal as the preferred water treatment method. The other part didn’t undertake water treatment, resulting in some cases of waterborne diseases.
With climate financing and atmosfair’s support, the first communities in Burkina Faso and Togo gained access to clean and affordable water. Together with our partner Eau Propre d’Afrique and various technology providers such as Autarcon, Osmosun,  Solarspring, a solar-based approach to improve drinking water supply was implemented in these project areas.

Our Goal and Current Status

The objective of the projects is the installation and operation of several decentralized solar drinking water networks across Burkina Faso, Togo and further countries in West-Africa to provide locals access to safe drinking water. The project activities shall reduce CO2 emissions associated with the utilization of fossil fuel and non-renewable biomass as means of water treatment. Avoiding harmful gases from burning firewood to boil water and/or stopping people from drinking contaminated water will improve their health situation.

On March 05, 2022, the first decentralized solar drinking water network with a 3 km long distribution network commissioned in the small town of Dedougou in Burkina Faso. Every day, up to 40,000 liters of contaminated groundwater are pumped, purified and distributed to 5 decentralized dispensers, and approximately 10,000 people in the area benefit from it. This pilot project was just the first step in providing safe drinking water in several West African countries. More decentralized solar drinking water networks in Burkina Faso and Togo can be found in the Portfolio below.

Portfolio: Decentralized solar drinking water networks in Burkina Faso

Dedougou, Ouargaye

Portfolio: Decentralized solar drinking water networks in Togo

Adjegan,  Adédikope, Agou, Houtsiafa, Kara (under construction), Kpessi, Lomé, Sokode (under construction)


Our Partner

Eau Propre d’ Afrique Group is a West African developer, EPC-Company and operator of solar based drinking water networks for areas that lack access to drinking water. Their dedication to providing drinking water in harsh rural environments has made them to an important water company in West Africa. Currently, Eau Propre d’ Afrique and atmosfair are working on the installation and operation of 7 projects in Togo. With 3 of them fully completed, they successfully provides more than 15,000 people with safe drinking water. Eau Propre d’Afrique will continue to accomplish their goal to bring clean drinking water to rural communities in Togo and Burkina Faso that do not yet have access to water.

Your Contact

Kevin Möller
Senior Project Developer
Commercial Lawyer, M.A. Philosophy
+49 (0) 30 120 84 80 – 64