Revenues declined by almost 7 million euros to just under 15 million euros. Nevertheless, atmosfair was able to manage the Corona pandemic without state aid during and invest around 16 million euros in climate protection projects. No public funds and no big spenders with donations exceeding 10 percent of our total annual income – in 2020 again, the non-profit organization atmosfair has kept its financial independence. Next to raising funds through voluntary climate donations, atmosfair has been generating revenue through economic business activity for over ten years, which in turn helps in covering some of the costs incurred by our non-profit activities. Looking through all the finances since the foundation of atmosfair, we can rightfully claim that in 2020 for every 100 Euros donated, about 91 Euros were invested in the direct purchase of climate change mitigation technologies – e.g. efficient stoves or household solar systems – or paid to the planners and developers of projects for green electricity generation. From this same 100 Euros, only 9 Euros were spent on atmosfair’s own needs, for customer care staff as well as other costs such as IT-systems, accounting, public relations, rent for office spaces, banking and credit card fees.
Annual Reports
atmosfair Airline Index 2016
Further information about the atmosfair Airline Index can be found here.
Download the atmosfair Airline Index 2016 (Version 05.11.2016):