Test the new atmosfair-CO₂ event calculator
The atmosfair CO₂ event calculator is now live and freely accessible on our website. Register once and you are ready to go. (Attention, this requires a separate login and is not your atmosfair account!)
Whether it’s a family celebration or an international conference, you can use our calculator to get an overview of your event’s emissions. This way you can also get an overview of the success of your avoidance and comepnsation measures. In a final step, you can offset your unavoidable residual emissions directly in the calculator – conveniently via the atmosfair website.
Try out the new tool yourself and help us to further develop our event calculator. We want the tool for calculating event emissions to be as intuitive as possible and therefore want to involve you and your feedback further. In the last step of the calculator you can therefore share your ideas with us
Thank you for your support and good luck with your next CO₂-offset event!